أساسيات الأردوينو

by Abdelaziz Sebrou



The Arduino Basics application works without an Internet connection that contains lessons on how to program and connect Arduino in addition to ready projects with codes (software codes)The application index is as follows:1. What is Arduino?2. Arduino IDE3. The structure of its programming language4. Transactions in the C language5. Conditional sentences6. Loops7. Types of data8. Additional formulas9. Flashing lamp10. Connect the compressor switch11. 7Segment12. LCD display13. Reading an analog signal14. LDR optical resistance15. RGB LED color lighting16. Sound sensor17. Infrared receiver18. Temperature sensor19. Humidity and heat sensor20. Flame sensor21. Water sensor22. Ultrasound sensor23. Servo drive24. Stepper stepping motor25. Identification by RFID26. Bluetooth model27. Wireless transmitter and reception28. Mobile network (GSM)29. Simulation Software30. References